Ecclesiastes 11: 7-10

   Nothing on earth is more beautiful than the morning sun. Even if you live to a ripe old age, you should try to enjoy each day, because darkness will come and will last a long time. Nothing makes sense.
   Be cheerful and enjoy life while you are young! Do what you want and find pleasure in what you see. But don’t forget that God will judge you for everything you do.
   Rid yourself of all worry and pain, because the wonderful moments of youth quickly disappear.

Ecclesiastes 12: 1-8

Keep your Creator in mind while you are young! In years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, “I don’t enjoy life anymore.”
   Someday the light of the sun and the moon and the stars will all seem dim to you. Rain clouds will remain over your head.
   Your body will grow feeble, your teeth will decay, and your eyesight fails.
   The noisy grinding of grain will be shut out by your deaf ears, but even the song of a bird will keep you awake.

   You will be afraid to climb up a hill or walk down a road. Your hair will turn as white as almond blossoms. You will feel lifeless and drag along like an old grasshopper. We each go to our eternal home, and the streets are filled with those who mourn.

   The silver cord snaps, the golden bowl breaks; the water pitcher is smashed, and the pulley at the well is shattered.
   So our bodies return to the earth, and the life-giving breath returns to God.
   Nothing makes sense. I have seen it all– nothing makes sense.

Read The Bible In
One Year: Eph. 1
Plus Daily Chapter: Luke 10